Saturday, May 13, 2006

Immitation is the Greatest Form of Flattery

My daughter has taken to learning by immitation. It only takes one moment for her to capture and start repeating words, facial expression and other actions. She's picking up some really funny expressions as a part of this learning cycle. She's also picking up and repeating some less than desirable traits which we hope to overload out of existance by reinforcing the good stuff.

As much as I'd stop, smile and enjoy the recent memories for what they are, hind-sight still causes me to compare her learning approach to the growth of the developers I'm currently supporting. They too are immitating the patterns they see --both good and bad -- and, as is the case with my daughter, I'm hoping to steer their direction with positive reinforcement. For a pair of them that have been struggling, this is finally working!

Now, how do you get your managers to take the same approach?

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